First NY Tri-State O-R GGetoGGether

On January 16, 1999, the first Tri-State GGetoGGether was held in New York City – a gathering of adventurous local members of the On-Reflection Internet mailing list. While several O-R members had met previously in small numbers, here nine O-R members and three brave spouses joined together at the Heartland Brewery (Union Square) in Manhattan for what was, in effect, the first-ever real “mini-GORGG”... although it would be nearly 9 months until its namesake would be first-realized the following October. And the rest, as they say, is magnificent GORGG history!

The evening was a magical event which proved that it was possible to gather a significant number of Gentle Giant fans together under one roof and have a good time, even if the band had called it quits some two decades earlier. This January night paved the way for future O-R gatherings of both the “mini” (Boston, Austin, Portland...) and “maxi”(NY, London, Toronto...) variety.

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(Click on a thumbnail for a larger picture.)

The Original “Dirty Dozen”
David Eric & Stacey Shur
Kariné & Rich Worthy
Ian McGrath
Alan Benjamin
Yoko & Tatsurou Ueda
Rich Hilton
Gary Citro
Ginny Landgraf

[ Additional photos ]

This page created and maintained by Jerry McCarthy and last updated 24 October 2001.
Photography by Jerry McCarthy, January 1999.