Toby Trott (aka Reverend Freehand)'s "Invocation for GORGG 2005"

Welcome, Brothers and Sisters, to the House of GORGG.

Dear Friends:

Does today's music spear you in the ears?
Are they giving you a bad rap?
Do you hear 4/4 just too, too much?

Dear Friend, do you need lifting?
Then you must come to the Church of Gargantua
and you must hear the Choir of Giants.
Praise be to GORGG.

When your heart cries out:
"Someone help me!
Terror fills my soul!,"  
do you need lifting?
Then rise up and come into the Church of Gargantua,
and hear the Choir of Giants!

When you suffer from polyrhythmia,
when you are too weak, and in pain,
when your downbeat is debatable,
You need the Church of Gargantua!
You must hear the Choir of Giants!
Praise be to GORGG.

The Church of Gargantua is not a place.
Nooooo, Dear Friends!

When it's quiet and cold,
and you're walking all alone,
you can hear the Choir of Giants.

When you sit by the riverside
watching the waters glide by
with a sigh,
then you will hear the Choir of Giants.

Yes, Dear Friends, they can live
in your dreams,
in your dreams,
in your dreams.

And time stands still,
the days change into years,
and the future comes without a care.

And the waves seem high,
and the golden sand,
and the town brass band  
plays on.

THAT, Dear Friends, is the Church of Gargantua!
Whenever you hear the Choir of Giants
deep in your soul.

Praise be to GORGG.

(Freehand / Shulman / Shulman / Shulman / Minnear)


Reproduced by kind permission of Mr. Trott.